Use this meeting agenda template as a starting point for your 1:1s. Both people own this
meeting and are expected to add content to it.
Default topics are recommendations based on data published by Hypercontext found to build
a high performing teams. Read more about this template:
Icebreaker: Choose a suggested question in hypercontext and talk about it
Every week
OKR & Goals Checkin (Quick 🟢🟡🔴 Rating)
On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling this week?
Your feedback to me from last week...
My feedback to you from last week...
Let's review any next steps from this meeting together before we leave
What should we do next QTR to get more traction towards company goals?
What professional goals would you like to accomplish in the next 6 to 12 months, and what makes you say that?
What's blocking you from achieving your goals this month? Anything I can do to help?
One and done things
Why we're doing one-on-ones?
How to use Hypercontext for one-on-ones
What are each-others communication preferences during work?
What's the best way for sharing feedback with each other?
Want meeting notes like this with no extra work?
With Hypercontext, every meeting has a shared goal, agenda, notes, and next steps. When you use a collaborative agenda, your team will show up prepared for every and leave with clear next steps. No more meetings that should have been an email. 🙌