Tasks incomplete as of 1 day ago - assigned to all reps
Current priority deals by deal owner
CS 2023 Q3 OKRs
OKR 1 - Continue to build on mortgage momentum
OKR 2 - Grow our advisor-assisted sales
Review status of all ongoing claims
Tricky ongoing customer issues
Rebecca King
Recruiting and Promotions
Mortgage advisor
Bilingual advisor
Team Lead promotion
CAA hires
Check on licensing status of all current and recently onboarded staff
All Other Topics
Assigning work in Front - I think this gives you the best transparency into the day & best opportunity to coach your team. What would you need to change to open up your time to do this?
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With Hypercontext, every meeting has a shared goal, agenda, notes, and next steps. When you use a collaborative agenda, your team will show up prepared for every and leave with clear next steps. No more meetings that should have been an email. 🙌