One-on-one meetings *(also known as check-ins, 121s, 1:1s, one-to-ones)* are a dedicated
time for an employee and their manager to connect on work, career development and growth.
One-on-ones are one of the most important ways managers can engage and retain their teams.
Who did you spend time with this week / significant activities?
Observations, insights or ideas?
What did you do to grow this week?
On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you at work?
On a scale of 1 - 10 rank YOUR performance this week
What did you do well this week?
What can you improve upon next week?
What statistics improved?
What statistics could be improved?
What’s the biggest blockers affecting you from performing to your fullest potential?
What help or direction do you need?
Key activities and priorities for next week?
Quarterly Rocks
Talking Points
As a team, is there anything we should STOP doing?
As a team, is there anything we should START doing?
Want meeting notes like this with no extra work?
With Hypercontext, every meeting has a shared goal, agenda, notes, and next steps. When you use a collaborative agenda, your team will show up prepared for every and leave with clear next steps. No more meetings that should have been an email. 🙌